The Treasure Hunt

How about weaving a real life mystery for readers to solve into a Thriller novel?

The Treasure Hunt Mystery For Those Hunters Amongst Us.

It occurred to me as a marketing professional that many readers love to solve mysteries. Why not give these people what they want then, a real life treasure hunt to promote and celebrate the launch of The Astral Plane Project.

To this end, I have discretely worked clever clues into the book itself as well as on various social media platforms for the interested reader to discover. With careful study of even the most seemingly trivial details, one lucky reader is sure to eventually discover the lost treasure of Lady Elemendorph so tragically stolen from her in 1776. Where to find the best clues? You may have guessed the answer by now, buy the book and read it!

Find The Lady Elmendorph’s Treasure Worth Over $25,000 In Retail Value.

The treasure you will seek…..exquisitely crafted correct ladies rings, bracelets, ear rings, men’s cufflinks and silver dollars! All of the pieces are real gold, silver and some include beautifully cut precious gem stones.

Stay In Touch For Additional Future Clues

Will finding this hoard be easy? Nothing ever worth anything in this world is ever easy, but it is out there, just waiting for one astute treasure hunter to strike it big. Please know that an additional mystery with a reward will be offered in my second book, “OPERATION TANNENBERG.” One last clue, check in regularly on our website and make sure to view our upcoming videos on our social media platforms for more clues on the buried treasures location. All I ask is that the lucky treasure hunter notify me immediately upon successfully finding The Lady Elemndorphs treasure for publicity purposes. Enjoy the read and lets have some fun!